Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!!! We hope you had a GREAT day! We sure have! Everyone was spoiled!! and now we are waiting for Tutu to arrive so we can have dinner!!!
The kids were so EXCITED to get their DS's from us! (Santa brought them other things they wanted!) Amanda wanted to know if we could run to Toys R Us so she could get a game or 2 with her gift cards, TODAY! UM NOT TODAY! LOL! We will hopefully get out sometime tomorrow!!!
We got SNOW today! A white Christmas! Amanda was yelling and jumping up and down! It has slowed down now!! But that didnt stop her from going out in her pjs to play for a bit!!!
We hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!!
Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy FRIDAY!! :) We here at the Johnson house are still BUSY BUSY!!! Lots to get done, tomorrow is Xmas at Moms house! Then sunday here with the Holcombs! Monday at our friends the Haileys! Can you say PARTY! :) and I still have to bake, finish Xmas cards, (did I say somewhere they were gonna go out early this year? I HOPE not! LOL!) and I am still making ORNAMENTS! I am ADDICTED to those cuties! I will share a photo of ALL of them later!!! We need to make a couple more!!!!!
Just wanted to share a santa photo from last week! I took this one! I am not to EXCITED about the one they took of our family, I look FUNNY! :) Good thing it is only for our books! LOL!!! I altered this photo a bit at picnik I just love that free site!!!
Well it is almost time to get the kiddos to school and get all my errands done!!!
Have a GREAT day! Thanks for stopping by!! Happy Holidays!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
So we have been busy busy here at the Johnson house! Steve took today off and we got ALMOST all our Xmas shoppen done! we are down to I think 3 gifts now! YEAH! Plan to wrap this week!! Our first xmas is at Tutu's house on saturday! YEAH! Then we have another here on sunday!!!
Last weekend we had a FUN weekend.. Friday we saw SANTA!! and went out for dinner, saturday ... we celebrated Allybugs birthday! HOW can my sweet niece be turning THREE?? Time flies! Sunday was the annual mom and kiddos shopping trip! Justin and I head out early in the AM and get starbucks and then SHOP! Amanda and I head out after lunch, her treat was a blizzard from DQ, YUM! it was peppermint chip! YUM YUM!!!! SHHH dont tell I am making my own version tonite... Yeah an extra treadmill is in the horizon for me! LOL!!!!!
I have been TRYING to figure out the xmas card for this year! I have the photo just need to figure out the design! So HOPEFULLY this weekend I will have them done and out, well before the weekend since we are booked all weekend!! Be on the lookout for them!!!
This week the kids and I are gonna be doing some baking and crafting! YEAH!! I made up one of the ornaments that you see here, gonna make a few more! they are so fun and cute!!! :) We think so anyway!!!
Hope all is well with you and yours! THANKS for stopping by! Happy Holidays!!!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Happy Holidays! YEAH! I am so EXCITED for the coming month! We have so much fun stuff planned!!! :) We are going to see Santa later this week, I am taking the kids on our annual shopping trip! Xmas exchanges start next week, and then BAM one week til the BIG day!!! :) It is gonna go so FAST!!! 22 days, are you READY?!!! I am almost!! I am gonna get wrapping this week! I cant WAIT!
As you can see we got our tree! YEAH! We got a bit smaller one.. it is still 8 feet tall~ but oh I miss those 9.5 footers! But since we have FURNITURE now we cant get that big! It looks so pretty!
So at 2scrappy chixs Mary challenged us to blog about the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY of this time of year!!! So here goes!!
My good~ the OBVIOUS! I LOVE the whole SEASON! I love to see the excitement from my kids, I LOVE to bake with them, watch all our holiday movies, decorate, visit santa, read xmas stories, take LOTS of photos, make and get xmas cards! You get it I LOVE EVERYTHING! LOL!!
My bad- oh my the STRESS it causes, for alot of people! Me included, the wanting it to be PERFECT! I know I shouldnt but I do! I want it magical! So I try to do that, and in the process sometimes overwhelm ME! TRYING to get an earlier start and do more small things each day and not save it all up for one day!
My ugly... Um.. I cant type that out! :) But it is the worst part of the holiday for me! But I get through it!
That all being said I am sure looking forward to a FUN season! WE got SNOW on saturday! YEAH! I got my xmas hat photo! it stayed until yesterday afternoon~ now we just got RAIN RAIN RAIN!!! Oh well~ I guess it is a good time to start wrapping!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Photo FUN!

A little photo fun!! I just LOVE this photo of the kids! Yep same as below in the frame! BUT I had some fun with it back over at picnik this cute holly was FREE! Hello I LOVE free! Since I am still WORKING on learning my PSE 4 I got 2 years ago! :) I figure this was the next best thing to play with! :) Goal for 08 LEARN PSE! There now I can go on!! :)
Can you BELIEVE that tomorrow is DEC! I cant !!! but I am so EXCITED for it! I LOVE the Holidays!! All the FUN things we do!! The kids are so darn EXCITED for it all too!! I hope they always are this way!! and let me take them to get a SANTA photo with the family!!! Can you see my Justin 21 waiting for our photo! Really I am not worried about him... it is that cute spitfire girl... she will probably complain from 15 on~ LOL~ I will have to pay her off!!! :) That is all next week! (the santa photo, not her being 15, but I am sure it will seem that way when she gets there! SIGH!)
Hope you all have a GREAT weekend! THANKS for stopping by!! Time to get them moving for school!!!
Happy Friday!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A little share!
This is the frame I made for my grandmas birthday gift!! She LOVED it! I LOVED it! I am making myself one! Ok 2 I have a snow one in the works, just looking for the PERFECT embellie! HOW can it be my room is OVERFLOWING with goodies and I think I need to buy something else! LOL!!! I will share when I finish! They are SAYING snow this weekend! I hope so~ well for one day anyway! I will get a new photo for the snow frame AND my santa hat photo for xmas cards! :)
So I dont have ANY idea why the photos below arent showing up~ showing the altered boxes... they were so cute! I hope to work some up next week!!!
I am off to get the kiddos!!! Have a GREAT day~ Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I LOVE this idea!!

For a blog challenge at 2Scrappy Chixs we were to find something in the gallery that inspired us and share it! Well Mary did the CUTEST altered cereal box! and Joni did another! I so am gonna LIFT these ideas! We dont have cereal very often, BUT I do have lots of other boxes, what a GREAT way to recycle, and just in time for the holidays! You always need some boxes, and this is like another gift in itself!!! :)
I will share mine when I finish them!!!
Have a GREAT day! Thanks for stopping by!!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
SNOW tonite! Can you BELIEVE that!!!! The kids are soooo EXCITED! Amanda snuck out in it! :) They want a snow day tomorrow! I want a PHOTO day! :) Santa hat photos in the snow again! Could I get so lucky as to 2 years in a row! YEAH!!!
Today was a FUN day! Justin and I had our Mom and Me Birthday Fun Day!!! We went shopping! He spent one of his gift cards, we went to the Olive Garden for lunch! His favorite place! He always picks there!!! It was a GREAT fun day with him!!!
Off to make dinner! Have a GREAT week!!!!
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
My Justin is 11 today!!

I cant believe our boy is 11!! Where did the time go?? If you know you should tell me ~ because I have no CLUE! :)
He is having a fun day! He got a new digi. camera from us, and from Amanda the electronic battle ship game! He was EXCITED for both!!!
He wants to have my FAMOUS! (ok famous in our house!) turkey sands for lunch! and for dinner California Burgers! HMMM wonder if I can get Steve to fire up the BBQ for them! I figure YEAH I have to make homemade guacamole! :) he can do that!!
Tomorrow is his birthday movie! Fred Clause! I cant wait!!!
Just wanted to share a layout I did real quick today of the birthday boy and his new camera!!
Hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving! We sure did!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you have a GREAT day full of family, friends, fun and GREAT memories!!!
I am so thankful for all the great friends I have met via the WWW ~ it makes my day to sneak online and visit! :)
Well I have worked out, said Hello!!! and now it is time to get things going! Dinner is at our house! YEAH!!
Have a WONDERFUL day~ Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Justins 11th Birthday Party!
The BIG birtday party! :) Was ALOT of fun!!! I still cant believe he will be 11! it doesnt seem possible!!!
So for his party he wanted carrot cake for the birthday cake~ so I made my very first one! It was pretty good~ he was happy and thats what counts!!!
All his friends but 2 were able to join us! He got LOTS of fun things! As I type he is working on a lego set from Tutu! He has 3 or 4 more to go he got, he is gonna be BUSY today!
Just wanted to share some photos I got! (or my friend Deanna got~ our family photo! Thanks Nana!)
So later after the party my mom looked at my machine... STILL no light but it works! HUH! I thought that black switch for the light was also power... so when you click it on for the light it wont sew, BUT if you click it off, it sews, minus the light, I had NO idea! My friend Joni mentioned it should work I was like it doesnt, BUT I was always clicking the switch! SO I am a HAPPY GIRL! I can still stitch~ I will just need to put a flash light by the project! :) My new thing I have learned for the day, the light switch on the sewing machine is NOT on and off also~ it is just a light! YEAH!!!!!
Hope you have a GREAT day! Steve and I are Xmas shoppen ~ Tutu is watching the kiddos! YEAH!! I cant wait!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Photo Share! :)
The 2007 Fellas Cake Bake - Cub Scout FUN! :)
Well here are the FELLAS! with their cake for this years Fellas Cake Bake! Justin decided on an iPod... since you have to name your cake.. it became iCake! He has such fun doing this with Steve! He has won 3 awards now out of 5 years doing it! This year he won Judges Choice ~ he was so EXCITED!!
There were some GREAT cakes~ and since no one could decide on one they wanted, other then our cake.. that was the one we won back! Figured it was the last year so WHY not! We are going to use it for 1 of the birthday cakes at his birthday party! How nice is that, he made his own birthday cake! HA HA!!
Dont think I am that mean~ I did make him the carrot cake for the party too~ that is what he wanted! :)
Have a WONDERFUL weekend~ thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Layout Share!

Thought I would share a layout I finished up yesterday! I am so BUMMED because I cant finish side 2! My sewing machine decided to STOP working right when I finished my stitching on this side! SIGH! So now my mom is gonna look at it this weekend, I HOPE she can figure out what is wrong! If not I WILL be asking SANTA for a new one! (I have been a good girl~ I hope he listens!!!)
So of course NOW every scrappy vision I have has sewing on it! Go figure! LOL!!
This is from our trip to the pumpkin patch this year!
Have a GREAT rest of the week! Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Our Living Room~ Before and After! :)
Our new living room!!!
Finally we have it almost all together! I thought I would share some photos of it! I still have a few things I want to do yet, but it is almost there! It is ready enough to have a PARTY in! :)
I really love how the whole room came together it is my favorite room at the moment in the house, ok right next to my scrappy room~ BUT this room is CLEAN! AHHH we love to sit in there! :)
The stone that is set in our tables almost matches the stone set in our floor in the entry way.. it wasnt planned but was cool to figure out! :)
Steve thought of the COOL black word family with photos all around it! I had another idea, a mirror or a photo frame with words in it.. I LOVE how this truned out!!
That bowl with the candle in it I have had for 4 years! It was the first piece I ever bought and that was ALL the living room for awhile! I knew I wanted red accents! I am so HAPPY to have it all out now! YEAH!!
See those black shelves under the photo~ those were our hardest thing to find! We either found, 1 in the size we needed or 2 that were way to long! I suggested getting white and painting them... so after 3 weeks of looking we found a set, Steve got them, and PAINTED them! :) We now have 4 other white ones! LOL! I LOVE how it all came together!!!! :)
Hope you had a GREAT weekend!! We are having a dinner party tonite! YEAH!! I need to get ready for that! Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
My NEW Purse!
I bought a Memory Purse last week, I KNEW exactly what photos I wanted to put in it!! :) I just love the photos I took last week of the kiddos ~ so I used those! I figure it would make a GREAT fall purse!
For side one I just enlarged the photo of the kiddos! I altered it a bit here I softened the photo, and added a yellowish tint frame around it! I got it printed, added some black paint for the border, the word love, and presto all done! Side 2, I used more photos from the same day, a little stitching, black rub on, flower and some bling..stamp the bottom, and I was DONE! I so love it! Amanda stole it from me last night, and carried it around!
I have VISIONS of Xmas all in my head already for this purse!! :)
and YEAH happy News they want to put it on their webpage! I am so EXCITED! :)
As long as I am here I am going to post my 10 things in 10 years for a blog challenge at 2scrappychix
10 Goals in 10 years.....
#1-Be Healthy!
#2- Continue my daily workouts!
#3- Be ALL caught up on my photos! (DREAMS are free right!)
#4- Go back to Hawaii!
#5- Raise 2 GREAT kids,
#6- In 10 years be STRONG enough to let those GREAT kids fly on their own!
#8- I am leaving 8,9, open! For future goals!
#10- Be living my dreams! :)
The blog challenge this week is to share your best of days... well I hope to scrap that so I will share that this week!
Have a GREAT day!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Day!

I am so EXCITED! This layout got posted on monday the 29th at the Multi-Photo Blog It is the little things like that that make me smile!!
This is one of my new favorite LOs! I got 14 photos on it, and one of them is a 5 X 7! That large photo is my new personal fav. of the kids I have some other ways I want to print it, and will scrap it AGAIN! I shouldnt be I will! :)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT day!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween Photo Share!
WOWY 6 posts this week! A record in blog land for me!! Must have been an exciting week!!
The kiddos had such a GREAT time tonite, and looked GREAT if I do say so myself! a big THANKS to Tutu (my mom!) for making the costumes again this year!!! and NO I didnt set tehm up to wear these! They picked them all by themselves! Arent they GREAT kids to do that!!! They got LOTS of treats and are now giving them out! We are about to watch Its the great pumpkin Charlie Brown!!!
Hope you had a FUN night~ Happy Halloween! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! The first photo share of the day! TONITE there will be MORE!! Just wanted to share a quick LO I did using a photo I took of the kiddos out front after school today!!!
This is based on a sketch by my good friend Em!
Have a WONDERFUL Night!!
Happy Halloween!! Be ready for MORE photos!! :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hannah Montana! the novel post!! :) and photos!
HANNAH MONTANA-AHHHHHHHHHH :) That is what it sounded like at the concert last night, thousands and THOUSANDS of screaming fans! 90% girls! LOL!! it was a GREAT fun night for Amanda and I!
As I was getting off the highway I got right behind a friend at a red lite! So I called her up said LOOK behind you! :) We ended up all going to dinner before the concert~ that was fun! couldnt have worked any better if it was planned way ahead of time! :)
We walked around the fountain area after dinner.. and Amanda posed for some photos! By the fountain, by Miley/Hannahs party bus, and with Miley grandma! She was so excited to meet her grandma! That was the photo she wanted to show to Steve and Justin right away!!!
The concert was FUN!! She puts on a good show, lots of lights, I LOVE how she entered in that pink box! The Jonas brothers came out first, then Hannah, then the Jonas brothers sang with Hannah, THEN Hannah changed back to Miley, so just the Jonas brothers, THEN out came Miley! The show started about 7pm, and was to end about 9:15pm but Amanda wanted to go at 9pm! Fine with me since I had to drive in the traffic I wanted to get OUT easy!!! (if Steve drives I am fine to stay til the end! LOL!) So off we went home, with the program, a blinkie, and a t-shirt plus a Jonas brother key chain for Justin and TONS of good memories!!
The CRAZIES part.. was the t-shirt sales, I waited when we got there, then went looking for a shorter line.. no luck... SO when the Jonas brothers came on I ran up, still had to wait 15 minutes, then my seat neighbor (Pam) went up right before Hannah preformed to get her daughter one, and she missed 4 songs by Hannah, when we left during Miley there was still a wait of 20+ people~ CRAZY I tell ya! and you know what is the WORST of it, when people get to the front and they do this..... OH I dont know which I want, can I see that one, oh and that one, HELLOOOO you have waited over 40+ minutes I heard people say... KNOW WHAT YOU WANT and get out of LINE! LOL!! I walked up paid and left!! Take notes people!!! HA HA!!!
It really was a FUN night! I shared some of the 75 photos I took in the slide show above!!!!
Have a GREAT day!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Sunday!
Just doing a couple blog challenges for 2scrappychix
you had to share fall photos around you! :) and a chili recipe! Well you can see the photos above!
and here is the recipe! I found it here
it was really good! I used black beans instead of kidney beans (since I dont like them!)
Here is the recipe! we all LOVED it! (ok Amanda didnt eat any! but the rest of us did!)
Best Bean Chili
Vegetable cooking spray
1 pound lean ground beef
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 to 3 tablespoons chili powder
1 to 2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 can (15 ounces) Red Kidney beans or 1 1/2 cups cooked dry-packaged Red Kidney beans, rinsed, drained
1 can (15 ounces) Pinto beans or 1 1/2 cups cooked dry-packaged Pinto beans, rinsed, drained
3 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) chili-seasoned diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
1. Spray large saucepan with cooking spray; heat over medium heat until hot. Cook ground beef until browned, 5 to 8 minutes, crumbling with a fork. Add onions, bell pepper, and garlic; cook 5 minutes longer.
2. Add remaining ingredients; heat to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, 20 to 30 minutes.
Makes 6 servings (about 1 1/3 cups each).
SLOW COOKER TIP: To make the chili in a slow cooker, combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low 5 to 6 hours.
thanks for stopping by!! Have a GREAT day!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Halloween Card!

Trick or Treat!!! :) TREATS only please! LOL!
FINALLY I got our card done for this year, now i MUST get offline and fill them out! or they will be LATE!!
I found this blog
and thought I would join her challenge!!! I hope to get some Halloween/Fall layouts done this week! the kiddos have half days all week, so it could be just a DREAM! :)
Have a GREAT day!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I have the SWEETEST son EVER!!!!
He went yesterday to get permission to go into Amandas class today during their lunch and have them sign this get well sign he made up for her!
He surprised her today after school!! She LOVED it and was so excited to see her friends had signed it!
I am so PROUD to be his mom, he is so kind and thoughtful!!!!
Amanda is doing GREAT tonite after her little teeth surgery.. she doesnt want to stay down! By tomorrow she will be running I am afraid! I have her out of school the rest of the week, but she wont need it! LOL!! I am glad she is doing so well! It didnt start out that way! But all is well now!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
have a GREAT rest of your week!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
FINALLY almost 5 years later.......
Yes it took me this long to just find the right thing! :)
Our tables aren't here yet but the couch and 2 chairs are!
Plus I got a CUTE bookshelf from Longaberger! Those are my 2 new bargin photos I got at Michaels! (60% off!) and a photo stand I am gonna put a LO on! :)
Funny story! Last night the delivery guys called for directions, Steve gave them to them.. hung up the phone about 1 minute later it rings again, I answer to someone SINGING ~ I was like HELLO who is this.... singing... I hand the phone to Steve and say here I dont know who it is ~ someone is singing..... well they hung up, the later the delivery guys called back for directions and he had to CONFESS, and say he was sorry ~ it was him~ the THOUGHT he dialed his girlfriends phone number but had hit ours instead!!! LOL!! :)
I then told Steve how sweet that was and that he could call and sing to me ANYTIME! DONT think it will happen! :)
Just wanted to share some photos! Now I need to get to the laundry and cleaning! BUNCO at my house tomorrow!!!
Have a GREAT day! Thanks for stopping by!!!!
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