Happy Tuesday!! How was your holiday? FABULOUS I hope!! Ours was really nice... We went down to see family on the 24th for just the day.. got home about 12:30am... then straight to be for us all so SANTA could come! :) Then we spend the 25th here.. in pjs just enjoying the day! Then my mom and brother came for dinner! Later that night we watched Polar Express.. and Justins movie he made! :) (my little director that he is! He and Amanda stared in it!)
I gotta share the link if you dont mind! They put this together in 2 days... No script.. Justin said he is better at winging it! :) and then he did the editing.. (Ignore my MESSY hall... next time he needs to let mom know he is filming so the laundry and boxes of sorting stuff out can be moved! ;)
CAPTURING SANTAAnyway it was a PERFECT day!!! Everyone loved their gifts!! and I got LOTS of photos!! Hoping to get scrappy next week!!!
Ok on with some shares!!!
Here is the ornament I made for the grandparents (and me) this year!

This year the kids and I made LOTS of tags... Next year I may start in July and make EVERYONES! hee hee!! :) Here are just a few of what we made..

My mom called me on Dec. 23rd.. at 5pm.. as we were going to dinner.. asking if I could make up my cousin Molly a lady bug goodie for the next day.. (if I had time!) I didnt think I would.. then the ideas wouldnt leave my head! HA! so that night and early the 24th (before we left!) I got this put together for her! :)

I will leave you with this photo... THANKS if you made it this far... our lights.. (before 36 were stolen an Steve took things down and moved a tree!)

I have LOTS more photos to share.. but will wait... LOL!! I got the
SCAL program for my cricut.. so I am off to CUT CUT CUT today!!! :) I feel all Valentineish now! HA HA!!!
Have a GREAT day... THANKS for stopping by!