Saturday, November 21, 2009

Successful Birthday Party!!

YEAH the BIG 13th birthday was a SUCCESS!!!! Justin had such a GREAT time.. I think his friends did too! We had the boys over for pizza lunch, then took them to Traxx for some racing... back here for gifts and cake!! After the boys left we had a big ole spag. dinner for the family and our friends.. now this girl needs to go to BED.. LOL!!

I got TONS of photos but I need to get my actions into PSE so I can turn on the lights! LOL! and you can see them! I did get a few.. here is one of my Justin... aftr the big race! ;)

Here are a couple cards I made this week!! I am LOVING all the vintage images out there.. this angel is another one from the sheet I got at the CK convention!!

The lace on the cards is the same.. I just used my PTI chamomile ink duo on the angel card to give it a creamy vintage look! I will be doing this AGAIN!

This card I cut again with my top note die,... and that snowflake is 2 different sizes cut from my cricut.. they are COVERED in rock candy stickles!!

That is all I got... gonna peek at some blogs.. then it is BEDTIME!!
tomorrow I am off to xmas shop.. and a dinner DATE with Steve!! So looking forward to that!
Have a GREAT day... THANKS for stopping by!


  1. All of these creations are beautiful! The party looks like it was fun :) My 21 year old still love go carting :)

  2. Anonymous1:48 AM

    very nice creations!! love i.t.

  3. I LOVE your cards; just beautiful! My son just turned 13 on Oct. 3rd :)

  4. Sounds like a fab way to celebrate a guy's 13th Birthday!
    I'm loving your creations, though your last card has really made my heart skip a beat! LOVE that kraft and the snowflakes - so pretty!

  5. Looks like Justin had a great birthday! :) Love your creations -- especially the kraft and snowflakes!

    AND I LOVE the cards!!


  7. Happy Birthday to your teen! Love the Christmas thank you, absolutely divine!

  8. Beautiful cards! FUN party...lucky, lucky 13!

  9. Oh my, how time flies! Justin is a teenager! I adore the snowflake card... I would have never thought of putting snowflakes on Kraft cardstock... I LOVE the look you created!

  10. They are all great! I especially like the one with the little Christams tree though.


Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT day!!
Happy Holidays!!!