Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy FRIDAY!!

7 days... til the BIG day... are you READY?!!! We are just down to gift wrapping!!!

Today the kiddos got out of school! All teacher gifts were handed out so I thought I would share with ya what we gave out!!! There are lots of photos.. so THANKS in advance for visiting! :)

Justin took starbucks gift cards to all his middle school teachers.. he said I couldnt make anything girly... so I made these... there was no glitter or sparkle ANYWHERE.. I dont know how I survived! HA!

Amanda has 2 teachers who split teach.. so she and I made them up captured card cases (YES they got to have glitter!) I made the box.. Amanda created the ornament for the top!

Side View-

Wanna see what is inside~ this altered post it note and RSVP pen-

also had candy (I had more in there.. but for photos sake I didnt stuff it! HA!)... and 2 gift cards! I hope they liked them!

STILL WITH ME!! :) I also made up 2 of the mini pizza boxes.. LOVE these! One for her reading teacher.. stuffed with candy and a gift card!

Side View-

This was for a gal that works at the school.. who is just the SWEETEST.. always says HI to Amanda and gives her hugs.. so we wanted to SURPRISE her with a goodie!!! Again candy and a gift card inside!

PHEW! a big THANKS if you made it this far!!!! I have lots of things I am working on yet! But feel no STRESS! SOOO I will be back with some tags that I made... (I am on a tag making kick this year!! )
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! THANKS for stopping by!!!!


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM beautiful..I mean all of it..

  2. Boy have you been busy! I love the pizza boxes too and your holiday holly berry cards are so cute!

  3. Those are such great projects! I especially like the die cut cards. What a great idea.

  4. Fabulous teacher gifts! I love the pizza boxes, must make some of those! And your cards are beautiful too Bethie, nice work!

  5. Oh My! You have been one busy crafter! I love it all! Each one is so stinkin' cute - they are all lucky duckies for receiving these treasures!

  6. Hi Bethie! I am back to say that I can't find your email address :(? I wanted to thank you for all your support & sweet comments! Hugs, Mona

  7. All your gifts look wonderful! It's so nice to think of teachers and staff and I'm sure they appreciate it so much!

  8. Oh Beth! Everything is wonderful!!! I just love those cards you made for Justin. They are great without being too girly, perfect!! And the gift boxes are great, too. I love all the ornaments on top!

    Have a great weekend, Beth!!

  9. You are still Christmas crafting! You GO girl! I'm on the downward coast to Christmas... Those PTI boxes are the BEST! I've made a couple to package up some Christmas gifts.
    Merry Christmas BETH!

  10. They're all marvelous, but I think I'm partial to the plaid background on the second from the bottom? What a lot of teacher gifts you pass out, you must be a favorite when you go visit the school.

  11. Lovely boxes and cards! You certainly have been busy. Which is exactly what I must do NOW! Thanks for sharing your work.

  12. Wow, you've defintiely been busy! Love the die cut cards and the pizza boxes!

  13. Really cute! What teacher wouldnt love that??

  14. Loving this whole ensemble - those gift boxes are so cute! Got to try my hand at those pizza boxes soon!!

  15. THANKS again for making Molly's "lady bug" note pad - it was PERFECT!

  16. LOVE all these projects, Bethie! Especially the box!

  17. wowza're rawkin out the projects! BEAUTIFUL WORK!


Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT day!!
Happy Holidays!!!