Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Halloween Photos & A Turkey to share! :)

Happy Tuesday.. sun is SHINING.. and I have to clean ~ SIGH! that is ok I took off yesterday to spend some creative time in my little messy room! YEAH!!

So I have a few Halloween photos to share.. the kiddos had a BLAST! Each went with a friend and Dad! :) and Amandas friends dad also joined them! I stayed home to answer the door.. I LOVE to do that!! :) so fun to see everyone dressed up and chat with the neighbors! :)

Here we go.. Indiana Justin and one sweet Witchy Amanda! :) THANKS Tutu for making Amandas costume! (first year she didnt make Justins.. boo.. he is growing to fast!)

Steve put coffee grounds on Justin for his facial hair.. dang it aged him! LOL!!! (and left his face clean and shiny when he took it off.. I think MOM needs that facial! HA!)

Our Witchy Amanda... she was to cute... (if I do say so myself! LOL!)

I was asked at Scrappin Mojo to share a creative thing a day for Nov. soooo I said yes.. I am a bit nervous.. hoping everything I share will be good enough~ (THANKS again Jan for asking me!!) anyway.... somedays I share something that is all me.. other days maybe online finds.. most days I want to share things I find , that inspire me to do something fun and make it MINE! So that was todays! I found the punched turkey on Youtube.. and made my own version!! Here is my take on it!

Here is the link to MY THREAD at Mojo! If you want to stop by sometime!! :) it is a FUN place!! :)

THANKS for stopping by.. I am off now to clean.. lunch with my friend today.. over here!!! :)
Have a GREAT day!!


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    ADORABLE!! both look good in their costumes!!

  2. Fun pictures:) I love your turkey bag, so cute!!

  3. Man they look so great. He looks very grown up.

  4. They look lovely in their costumes! :) Love the fun turkey bag too!

  5. Hey there Beth!! Love the costumes - the kids look great.

    Way to go with the project a day. I had so much fun when I did that last year.

    xo Amy

  6. How cute is that bag?!!

  7. The kids look great in their costumes! Glad they had fun :)
    LOVE the Turkey bag.
    Have a great week/weekend.

  8. The kids look great. Love the Indiana Justin outfit and the witch looks adorable.

  9. The punched Turkey is just awesome! Love the cuteness you always create Beth! And your kiddos are looking fabulous in their costumes!

  10. Your halloween photos are great. I can't believe that Amanda and Kayla were the same thing!! And such a cute cute turkey, I love it!!

  11. Oh they both look super! Had to giggle with the coffee grounds - what a clever idea!
    As for your punched Turkey - fabulous!

  12. lovin those costumes chickie! your kiddos look great ~ hope they got lots of yummy candy!

    and wow..love that bag! what a great project!

  13. Justin and Amanda are getting so BIG! Especially Justin! You're so right... with that beard he looks so grown up! BTW, my son has a mustache (and it isn't made of coffee grounds)... {sigh} they grow up so fast!


Thanks for stopping by! Have a GREAT day!!
Happy Holidays!!!